About The Consortium


Organized in 2007, The Consortium provides means by which professionals and key stakeholders involved in arts education for students with disabilities in New York can share perspectives, determine needs, develop ways to meet them, deepen practice and understanding. Our purpose is to bring together constituencies that historically have not had sufficient opportunity to interact with one another, to engage them in meaningful conversation and exploration in order to ascertain barriers to and opportunities for providing quality arts education to special education students. That is, to build capacity, understanding and value, and do so as a whole – School/Arts/Home – community.


The Consortium envisions a time when classroom teachers, arts specialists, school and arts administrators, teaching artists, museum educators, paraprofessionals, related service providers and parents understand the value of the arts for students with disabilities and work together to insure these pupils receive quality, appropriate arts education that deepens and extends learning, reveals and builds capacity and enhances communication and participation in the world.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee meets on a monthly basis, collaborates on events, makes decisions on focus, goals and mission and carries out the necessary tasks to succeed in reaching our goals.

Stephen Yaffe, Chairpersonstephen@artsspecialed.org
Juana Cala’
Madeline Calandrillo
Paula Heitman
Elise May
Rachel McCaulsky
Maryann Polesinelli
Lindsay Tanner
Barbara Tremblay

For Steering Committee Member Bios Click Here

Support Committee

The Support Committee consists of individuals with a high interest in the goals of The Consortium but without the time needed for participation on the Steering Committee. Support Committee members may take on individual tasks as needed for specific functions of The Consortium.

Lisa Dennett
Tobie Franklin
Patricia Freer
Adam Goldberg
Dena Malarek
Jordana Mendelson
Linsey Miller
Erica Rooney
Constance Stienon

If you are interested in joining the Steering or Support Committee please send an email to info@ArtsSpecialEd.org